[Vwdiesel] *Injection Pump for '93 EV (Canadian) - HELP*

Sandy Cameron scameron at compmore.net
Thu Feb 3 14:34:34 EST 2005

At 01:45 PM 2/3/05 -0500, you wrote:
>hey all
>my fuel pump is toast
>bought a used one from England for cheap $ that was in great shape
>unfortunately, it was setup for a turbo and so was unusable on my 5-cyl 
>engine is a 2.4L 5-cyl N/A diesel, type AAB (Cananda)

If it is a 5 cyl pump, it will work on your engine just fine. just plug the
barb on the "space ship" on top of it and put it to work. If she smokes, a
small adjustment of the fueling screw may be in order.
The "boost" fueling does nothing unless there is pressure to the "space
ship" the aneroid on top of the pump. Until pressure is applied, it is same
as an "NA" pump.


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