[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 146 --- ( we DO learn ).

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Feb 24 19:15:19 EST 2005

Gary Gary Gary   .

You know that I got going ----thanks to a PM from you on a replacement pump  ---
so I will NOT turn you in -----LOL.

In Denmark they made a law saying NO chipping on VW TDIs      they are really nasty
over there on  smoke out the pipes.

A bit of what I said was tounque in cheek -----I like to redicule dogmatic Pedantic systems.

It turned out that the pump was a yellow DOT pump ----and on a 1.6L NA  mount the 1.5L
pump is too advanced ----even fully back in the slot.    ----- that is HOW I know that a 
pump advanced will make a Rabbit start when it is cold COLD.

I am going at it with a Rat tale file this spring. -----but man oh man does she start or what ?

It must be right at the limit forward   ---because it sure sounds good  at high RPMs.
BUT acording to Hillbilly tuning you must MUST be able to make her smoke on retartding.
This one will NOT.------------starts like crazy and never smokes.----even on a cold start.

Never could find out what was so special about a Yellow dot pump  ?  is it internally ?

Sure works just the same.

Weather here is like FLORIDA    right now   ----next thing we will be growing Oranges.


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