[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 146 --- ( we DO learn ).

gary gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Thu Feb 24 23:09:54 EST 2005

I know you're kidding. ;)

But you are right. Perhaps if we had the nifty TDI versions as they have
in the EU, we wouldn't need or have the desire to chip.

But as it is, with the bilge water we have for fuel, we are stuck with
the anemic versions we have.

I am a staunch believer in hillbilly tuning. I do so on my VW p/u. This
thing would have run circles around my former Rabbits. No smoke either!
My wife drives it work. She gets a consistent 50mpg(US). She doesn't
drive easy either. That is a real testament to the process.

Hey, instead or filing out the holes, just slip the belt by a tooth.


On Thu, 2005-02-24 at 16:11 -0800, H . Hagar. wrote:
> Gary Gary Gary   .
> You know that I got going ----thanks to a PM from you on a replacement pump  ---
> so I will NOT turn you in -----LOL.
> In Denmark they made a law saying NO chipping on VW TDIs      they are really nasty
> over there on  smoke out the pipes.
> A bit of what I said was tounque in cheek -----I like to redicule dogmatic Pedantic systems.
> It turned out that the pump was a yellow DOT pump ----and on a 1.6L NA  mount the 1.5L
> pump is too advanced ----even fully back in the slot.    ----- that is HOW I know that a 
> pump advanced will make a Rabbit start when it is cold COLD.
> I am going at it with a Rat tale file this spring. -----but man oh man does she start or what ?
> It must be right at the limit forward   ---because it sure sounds good  at high RPMs.
> BUT acording to Hillbilly tuning you must MUST be able to make her smoke on retartding.
> This one will NOT.------------starts like crazy and never smokes.----even on a cold start.
> Never could find out what was so special about a Yellow dot pump  ?  is it internally ?
> Sure works just the same.
> Weather here is like FLORIDA    right now   ----next thing we will be growing Oranges.
> Hagar.
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