[Vwdiesel] Heater box, head gasket

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Tue Jan 25 16:23:44 EST 2005

The head
is ready to come off today, If I can figure out how to disconnect the oil
drain line for the turbo.

  REALLY simple.  Go underneath.  Undo the big nut that connects 
to the pan.  Pull the (allen?) bolt that holds a brace to the block.  
NOTE how that brace connects as it never makes sense to me 
afterwards!  Give the end of the line a good rap or two to break it 
loose from the pan connection.  Pull the 4 bolts from the turbo to 
downpipe and pry it over.  With all the bolts and hoses out and such, 
pull the head.  The drain hose will work up through the motor mount 
bracket.  A second set of hands is REALLY handy about now.

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