[Vwdiesel] Limping FROM home, bad GP's,now no Temp guage !

Smith, Michael Michael.Smith at rvh.nb.ca
Fri Mar 4 06:57:42 EST 2005

Well....now I've gone and done it...car would not start this morning despite
being plugged in all night.  Heck, it's only -15*C or so....nearly T-Shirt
weather for around here.
I cranked the starter at least a minute and it was whirling over nice and
fast, no doubt in part due to synthetic oil and the warm block.  Not even a
burp. No hint of starting.
I did hear what I *think* was the GP relay clicking briefly a couple times
in that minute.  No yellow LED on the dash.

So.....I jumpered between B+ and the glowplug bus bar for about 10-12
seconds.  Hopped in and it fired right up ! (amazing what working GP's will
do for ya.)

Now, I have no temp guage ! None, zero, zip nada.....  I presume I need this
circuit working for properly working GP's and my cooling fad on my rad once
it warms up, huh?

Help !  I've left my Bentley @ home, in my rush to get to work.   BTW, there
seems to be 2 sensors...1 from head and 1 from thermostat? (rad pipe
anyways). Also, isn't there one in the antifreeze reservoir.  ?

UGH....rusty/crusty old cars.

Mike ;-) NB

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