[Vwdiesel] talking water pump

David Cook vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 7 14:17:59 EST 2005

Just in case I wasn't clear earlier...

If the water pump is still pushing water, you should
be okay to get by for a few days until you get a
chance to replace it.

However, make sure you drive the car "nicely" until it
is replaced, and make sure you keep a close eye on
engine temps, unusual sounds, etc.


--- Pam & Doug Boes <db53248 at alltel.net> wrote:
> Today my water pump started screeching
> intermittantly. I lifted the hood 
> and pulled the throttle to identify it and it looked
> like the pully was 
> wobbling. How long can I continue running like this
> since there isn't 
> any coolant coming from the weep hole, yet? How
> difficult is the 
> replacement through the riders side wheel well?
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David Cook
Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
Red '90 g60 Corrado 
Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
and others in various states of disrepair
Pictures here: community.webshots.com/user/superdave5599

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