Fw: [Vwdiesel] Hillbilly Tuning

Gerry Wolfe gjwolfe at telus.net
Fri Mar 18 19:39:31 EST 2005

My second dumb question...

I've played around a bit with the max fuel loading screw...

I found that when you loosen the 13mm nut, the housing to which the screw is
attached moves with the screw along it.  In my case, I simply turned the
screw a hair CCW and then tightened the housing up again with the 13mm
wrench; the screw again seemed to move in conjunction (isn't that a nice
25cent word!) with it.  Net result was, on my last two tanks of diesel, fuel
consumption went from 44mpg to 48mpg with no significant decrease in power.

Is this the correct procedure?

There are definite clearance issues here with the wrench and screwdriver.
Seeing as both seem to move together, I would guess that trying to do this
with the engine running would be "interesting".

How do the pros handle this one?

again, advTHANKSance.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger Brown" <r.c.brown at ieee.org>
To: "diesel list" <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 15:45
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Hillbilly Tuning

> David Cook wrote:
> >
> > I keep seeing references to HillBilly tuning, but
> > haven't seen anything about how to actually DO it!  I
> > did a google search, but the best it turned up was
> > more references...
> >
> > What I'm wondering is:
> > 1)  Can/will this improve effeciency in my 1.6 NA
> > diesel engine?  (No Turbo!)
> >
> > 2)  How the heck do I do it!?!
> >
> > I'm thinking of taking the Cabriolet on a 1300 mile
> > trip next week, so I'd like to try that tuning.
> I think the general idea is to just turn the max load fueling screw way
down.  Essentially limits how much fuel can be injected
> at full load.  You could probably do something similar with a block under
the accelerator pedal, to limit how far you could mash
> the pedal down.
> For my rig, I turn the screw up to the smoke point (will fine tune that
with my EGT once I get it running) and then you can have
> performance if you mash the pedal and economy if you don't.
> --
>    Roger
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