[Vwdiesel] Poor heater output

LBaird119@aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Thu Nov 10 14:50:37 EST 2005

In a message dated 11/10/2005 9:39:08 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
scameron at compmore.net writes:

> On the A/C A2's, there is a "recirc" flap on the air induction behind and
> below the glove compartment that permits recirculation of cabin air in texas
> panic type of hot weather. Means could be applied to operate it in winter,
> to recirc most or all the inside air, instead of trying to heat -40 air to
> survival temps. 

  James' Passat should have a recirc button right next to the A/C button.
Dad's 97 does.  Makes a difference in really hot or really cold weather!  
A LOT of people run around in roughly freezing temps though with such a 
button/switch engaged and are all fogged up all the time.  ;-D  You just 
want to roll down the window and tell them to flip the ricirculate back to 

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