[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 226 --- ( opinionated Hagar speaks--Opinions 101 )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Oct 1 14:45:21 EDT 2005

 Shameless plug time:  Act now on this limited time offer of a free
subscription to The Wart List, an unsightly outgrowth of this list, where
off-Diesel topics are the norm.  Simply browse through yahoolists until you
find Eurodieselcars, and if you can't subscribe, pmail me and I'll see if I
can remember how to enlist you into the Roll of The Doomed.  (We started
getting more spam than posts, so I restricted membership and am not sure if
I can unrestrict it.)
	Nomex underwear not required, but is recommended. A certain sense of
humor is mandatory, though.
	Scott Kair

Scott Kair I do get the emails from that site ---BUT I do no longer write --due to the
Yahoo advertising.------I have dial up and Yahoo was too big.   ----But it is a great read
I wish I could tell tales like you --and write the way you do ---but BUT I have to be the
best I can be --and this is IT. -----   when I get up in the mornings ? what do I see in
that mirror ? ---I see a Texan Redneck  a Poet a Commisar a Preacher a Debater a better
person than I ever dreamed I would be in my youth.-----------Self respect is hard to come
by and it has to be earned ----and I like what I see.  --warts and all.

BUT more important I learned to see the GOOD in other people---and I see a LOT.

And a LOT in this forum ---read my lips.

Sentimental Hagar ramblings ? --yes ----OK.


PS :    I was never short on sense of humor.

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