[Vwdiesel] Back from a trip

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Sep 12 10:04:36 EDT 2005

We just took a trip to Prescott and back to Flagstaff in my 1.6TD Vanagon.
218 miles round trip.  I averaged 27 MPG.  That was significantly less than
ideal driving conditions.

Hagar thinks you are coming right along as a DIY  ---I have been watching Shawn Wright and
you for a long time.   ---and the progress is impressive. ------I have only seen one VW
Vanagon  (gasser)   and that---------is a lot of  load for a 1.6 L  engine IMHO  ---27
miles on a US gallon ?  ---not bad.

I am in the process of going on a trip from  Lund  BC ---to Issaquah  WA -----BUT Bunny
Bondo  finally
developed  arthritis in a foot (bad timing)  it is a funeral so it can not be put off.

Turning to the right there is a rumble like a wheel bearing  --turning left ? it quits

 Rabbits of my past gives me bearing paranoia  ---the last one destroyed everything rear
  BUT   she limped home   --no tow truck.


PS :     I start listening REAL early --and it is very hard to find the leg ?.

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