[Vwdiesel] About to rebuild a 1.6

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Tue Apr 11 21:09:56 EDT 2006

In a message dated 4/11/2006 5:39:21 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
david at planetmind.net writes:

> >I, too, am doing *both* my 1.6Ls (81 pickup and 89 jetta) - I wasn't 
> planning on the 
> >intermediate shaft bearings, Bentley says they are subject to very little 
> wear - but is it easy? 
> >Can it be done with engine in?

  True they don't really wear but they flake apart.  Easy or not they need 
done during 
most any rebuild or low oil pressure situation.  It's done the same way you 
do cam 
bearings on a domestic V-8, with an expanding rubber thingy sandwiched 
two metal plate that squeeze together when you twist the handle.
  Of course I've always just had to tap them in/out with sockets or what have 
and then hone (sand) to proper fit.  :-P

> >mine both had 3-notch gaskets - and my caliper says piston projection is 
> about >1.1mm on the '89 
> >- which is outside specs for the 3-notch. What does this mean? Use another 
> 3->notch, or stretched 
> >rods? Then again, my caliper is a cheap one, could be off.

  Wow, hopefully your caliper is off.  That's just into the bottom range of a 
fictitious two 
notches higher than the 3 notch.  You'll probably lose a bit of power and 
with that.  If you're close enough to drop by I could mill the pistons down 
for you.  :-)

> >
> >Also, the pickup's cyliders have slight scratches - not anything you could 
> catch a finger nail 
> >on, but they are there - will honing be sufficient?
> >
> >thanks for the advice.
> >
> >David
> >
  If you can't feel them then honing will probably take care of them.  If you 
can feel them 
then they'll likely contribute to oil consumption.  Of course you want to 
check the 
bore diameter.  If it's close then honing will take it a little bigger and 
out of spec.  No 
sense doing an "overhaul" if it needs bored.  I've had terrible luck 
re-ringing these 
things but others have had pretty good luck.  I see about 30K miles on just 
and a hone.  Bores are fairly worn though.  Only speculation we came up with 
that was a lot of Mt. St. Helen's ash in the air back when these were popular 
putting on the first hundred thousand miles.

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