[Vwdiesel] no start, just a click

82 Diesel Westy dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 30 11:45:17 EST 2006

I would say you have no option but to pull start the
car and get her home.  Then remove and inspect the
starter and solenoid, you did everything else well.

Good luck, Bryan

--- Chris Jude <vegbenz300 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Well this evening when my girlfriend was trying to
> come home from work her
> Audi wouldn't start.  Turn the key, all the dash
> lights come on, and the
> glow plugs, but nothing when the key turns.  Not a
> rapid solenoid click,
> maybe a small click from the engine compartment.
> Earlier this week I'd put in a new battery, and new
> 4 ga. cables on the
> chassis ground and the battery ground.   So the
> battery is good.
> I came downtown to Seattle to try and start it,
> hoping maybe a cable was
> loose.  All the cables were fine and tight, i tried
> jumping it from my car,
> nothing, I took a look at the positive battery
> terminal, the wires there
> were somewhat corroded.  So I picked up a new
> positive terminal and cleaned
> up the wires and put it back together, and still
> nothing.
> So it seems like it's a starter or solenoid issue. 
> The problem is, the car
> is in Seattle, Columbia City neighborhood, parked on
> the street.
> Unfortunately not in the position to roll start it. 
> I may be able to hook
> it up to my car to pull start it if neccesary, but I
> was hoping someone may
> have some advice.  This is the ol 1980 Audi 5000S.
> Any ideas greatly appreciated.
> Chris
> Carnation, WA
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