[Vwdiesel] no start, just a click

Chris Jude vegbenz300 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 31 19:08:19 EST 2006

Well thanks for everyones help on this one,  I got the car roll started
easily today and brought it home.  Hooked up a cable from the + terminal to
the solenoid and she started right up.  Looks like the wire was a bit
corroded.  I'm gonna cut it back and put a new connection on to the
solenoid, should work just right again.  fingers crossed,

carnation, wa

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chris Jude" <vegbenz300 at gmail.com>
> To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
> Sent: Friday, December 29, 2006 10:00 PM
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] no start, just a click
> > Well this evening when my girlfriend was trying to come home from work
> her
> > Audi wouldn't start.  Turn the key, all the dash lights come on, and the
> > glow plugs, but nothing when the key turns.  Not a rapid solenoid click,
> > maybe a small click from the engine compartment.
> >
> > Earlier this week I'd put in a new battery, and new 4 ga. cables on the
> > chassis ground and the battery ground.   So the battery is good.
> > I came downtown to Seattle to try and start it, hoping maybe a cable was
> > loose.  All the cables were fine and tight, i tried jumping it from my
> > car,
> > nothing, I took a look at the positive battery terminal, the wires there
> > were somewhat corroded.  So I picked up a new positive terminal and
> > cleaned
> > up the wires and put it back together, and still nothing.
> > So it seems like it's a starter or solenoid issue.  The problem is, the
> > car
> > is in Seattle, Columbia City neighborhood, parked on the street.
> > Unfortunately not in the position to roll start it.  I may be able to
> hook
> > it up to my car to pull start it if neccesary, but I was hoping someone
> > may
> > have some advice.  This is the ol 1980 Audi 5000S.
> > Any ideas greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Chris
> > Carnation, WA
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