[Vwdiesel] 'lectrical whoops. ip lead + ground = no good!

Matthew mpteleski at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 22 12:12:39 EST 2006

folks, no, it wasn't my rig, or me. A friend was
trying to see if there was juice to the pump's fuel
cutoff solinoid and he accidentially touched the DVM's
lead to ground AND the +12V lead. Whoops. The dasher
still runs, but he has no lights, radio, nutting
electrical. But now the temp gauge works.

Anyways, i have not had a chance to get to his place
and watch him troubleshoot while i drink his beer, but
can someone offer some experience with this electrical
whoops?  Yeah, i know how to troubleshoot and read
Bentley, but some quick insight could expedite the

Any chance it is the "x" relay (that relay which cuts
off most electical functions while you start the
engine).  Or maybe it is the ignitions switch. 

This is certainly going to be a multiple beer project.

Finally, what the heck were those dudes in Germany
thinking by not putting a fuse on that wire?? geeze.


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