[Vwdiesel] Glow plugs and not so anti-seize

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon Feb 5 23:42:57 EST 2007

  Today was a no work, fix the cars day.  Started with 
Dad's '02 Golf which had displayed a "glow plug intermittent, 
#4" code.  Ok, pull it in, pull #4 and check.  It's fine.  What 
the???  #3, fine, #2, fine, ok, #1?  Bad.  Hmmm, computer 
programmers never talked to real "car" people to see that 
the last plug in the line of the harness is actually #1 not 
#4 simply because it's the 4th one on that line.  Oh well...  
  Lunch time so we pull the Kubota RV900 in the shop and 
I go eat.  Just as I was ready to head back Dad calls.  "Uh, 
what do I do when the glow plug just wants to spin and not 
come out?"  WHAT???  I asked what on Earth he was doing?  
He decided he wanted to jump ahead and check glow plugs 
on the Passat, which had been showing a GP code for several 
years now.  He broke it in half luckily rather than strip the 
threads out of the head.  Took it to a friend who has much 
better luck  (and patience) at "EZ outing" stuff.  
  Those glow plugs are so easy to get to that I HIGHLY 
recommend pulling them and putting SOME SORT of anti 
seize on the threads whatever your mileage!  Save yourself 
a simliar problem or find it when you can plan for it rather than 
a sudden surprise!  (We have a brush in a can of graphite and 
oil that has served us well.)
  Otherwise the day went well.  Found the bad plug in the 
Golf, one in the pickup, fixed the lights on the Kubota, welded 
its pipe back to the muffler and found that all the coolant plugs 
and remaining glow plugs on the Passat are fine.  Now if it still 
codes then it's apparently the gp harness.
  Get out there and anti-seize!!!

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