[Vwdiesel] Glow plugs and not so anti-seize

Val Christian val at mongobird.com
Tue Feb 6 07:43:20 EST 2007

The TDI harness is flip flop from VAG-COM.  I'm "enjoying" an
intermittent harness.  Some people have rebuilt their's,
and there are some pictures and descriptions on Fred's site.
I haven't tackled that yet, as everyone else's car, kitchen sink,
and bathtub takes precedence over my car.


>   Today was a no work, fix the cars day.  Started with 
> Dad's '02 Golf which had displayed a "glow plug intermittent, 
> #4" code.  Ok, pull it in, pull #4 and check.  It's fine.  What 
> the???  #3, fine, #2, fine, ok, #1?  Bad.  Hmmm, computer 
> programmers never talked to real "car" people to see that 
> the last plug in the line of the harness is actually #1 not 
> #4 simply because it's the 4th one on that line.  Oh well...  
>   Lunch time so we pull the Kubota RV900 in the shop and 
> I go eat.  Just as I was ready to head back Dad calls.  "Uh, 
> what do I do when the glow plug just wants to spin and not 
> come out?"  WHAT???  I asked what on Earth he was doing?  
> He decided he wanted to jump ahead and check glow plugs 
> on the Passat, which had been showing a GP code for several 
> years now.  He broke it in half luckily rather than strip the 
> threads out of the head.  Took it to a friend who has much 
> better luck  (and patience) at "EZ outing" stuff.  
>   Those glow plugs are so easy to get to that I HIGHLY 
> recommend pulling them and putting SOME SORT of anti 
> seize on the threads whatever your mileage!  Save yourself 
> a simliar problem or find it when you can plan for it rather than 
> a sudden surprise!  (We have a brush in a can of graphite and 
> oil that has served us well.)
>   Otherwise the day went well.  Found the bad plug in the 
> Golf, one in the pickup, fixed the lights on the Kubota, welded 
> its pipe back to the muffler and found that all the coolant plugs 
> and remaining glow plugs on the Passat are fine.  Now if it still 
> codes then it's apparently the gp harness.
>   Get out there and anti-seize!!!
>      Loren
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