[Vwdiesel] More Dasher?

William J Toensing toensing at wildblue.net
Fri Jun 8 00:52:39 EDT 2007

Took the Dasher for a test drive today. However, I find the following issues or problems. 1)Smokes excessively under load, I think, i.e. climbing hills. Would advancing or retarding the injection pump affect this? If so, please tell me what to do & how to do it. I recall seeing comments re this before but my mind needs refreshing. 2) when I turn the ignition switch on, the radiator fan comes on. I don't think it should come on till the engine heats up. Right? As I recall, I installed a new temperature switch that controls this function. 3) I  installed new glow plugs but they don't stay on long enough. Car hard to start when cold. After letting it sit about 4 hours this evening it didn't want to start. I think I replaced a relay but this was around a year ago so memory not fresh. 

All comments appreciated. Thank you.

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