[Vwdiesel] Advice for quickly removing an engine/tranny in a 86 Golf

Terry Briggs vbriggs at stny.rr.com
Tue Mar 27 21:16:07 EDT 2007

years ago at Camp Lejeune, we removed the entire engine from a 5 ton 
truck in a little less than 4 minutes, of course it wasn't neat, as a 
matter of fact it was down right messy, of course you'll get that when 
you use a pound of C-4 :-}
On Mar 27, 2007, at 3:43 PM, James Hansen wrote:

> Torch off the entire front clip at the firewall.
> Ten minutes :-)
> It's an hour to pull the motor out the top with hand tools and a motor
> lifter-outer. Less if you have air. Waaay less if you use the universal
> fire wrench.  Careful around the R side motor mount, you can futz up 
> the
> mount and t belt stuff if too aggressive.
> LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
>>   When I pulled my Jetta's it came out the top easier than the bottom.
>> Pull the front mount bolt a couple others, pop the exhaust spring
>> clips, speedo and axles, a couple hoses and wires and it's sitting
>> there!  Front mount and left/tranny mount are each just one bolt
>> as I recall.
>>   Yank the rad, condenser, core support and master cylinder and
>> it'll cherry picker right out.  Axles will probably take the longest
>> of anything, don't forget the speedo cable, master cylinder makes
>> it a really tight fit is why to pull it.
>>      Loren
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