[Vwdiesel] Glow Plug Cycle WAS: Analyzing compression numbers - oil in in...

David Cook vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 18 14:48:17 PST 2007

--- LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
>   The pickup's relay is acting up (likely a marginal
> sensor or 
> a weak ground somewhere).  I just keep it half
> unplugged.  
> In the mornings I just lean forward, plug it in for
> a few seconds, 
> pull it back halfway out, start and go.  No problems
> or rough 
> running.  Doesn't take all that long of a glow, no
> afterglow, just 
> a little pre-heat.   :-)
>      Loren

LOL, I had to do that in the Cabriolet for a long time
too.  Does your relay sometimes click on and off

IIRC, a new temp sensor cured the problem.


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