[Vwdiesel] Fuel color

Lee Hillsgrove, Sr. lee.hillsgrove at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 07:57:46 PST 2008

 Obviously, someone has cut your road diesel with 100LL AvGas. :-))


On 1/8/08, Sandy Cameron <scameron at storm.ca> wrote:
> Is it my imagination, or is the "new" fuel more blue than a few years ago?
> Could the people who would control our lives be "marking" it with some
> kind
> of blue dye or other marker?
> When, in the past, I would put some in a glass jar for inspection, it
> would
> appear almost clear,or with a slight straw color.
> Decanting some last night, it seemed to have an intense, almost
> fluorescent
> blue color.
> This is straight out of the local road diesel pump.
> Hmmm, more conspiracy theories.
> Sandy
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