[Vwdiesel] smoking audi diagnosis

Patrick Dolan pmdolan at sasktel.net
Tue May 20 05:28:00 PDT 2008

My mistake.  Just stepped off of a 7 flight trip from other side of the world, and assumed when it said Audi, it was a gasser.  So few in NA actually HAVE an Audi diesel, never occurred to me it might be one.  However, a DIESEL injector that is letting unburned fuel pass will also have a miss that you couldn't.....er.....MISS (sorry, could "miss" the opportunity).

----- Original Message -----
From: James Hansen <jhsg at sasktel.net>
Date: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 0:50 am
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] smoking audi diagnosis

> Naw, not a valve adjustment issue.
> verify stuff.  glow plug function, injector condition.  White 
> smoke as 
> in unburned fuel white smoke shouldn't last a couple blocks.
> Extensive blowby that accumulates in the intake, then gets sucked 
> in on 
> startup could.
> As Pat stated, a leaking valve seal may do that too, specifically 
> on the 
> exhaust side, where the oil is getting in after the hot stuff, and 
> getting spit down the exhaust pipe, where it smokes much like an 
> airplane manifold injection smoker for airshows.  That would take 
> a 
> while to burn off, like a couple of blocks....
> -james
> Chris Jude wrote:
> > stopped by a mechanics shop I've worked with before and was 
> asking his
> > opinion about the Audi (1980 5000S).  It's been blowing bad  
> white smoke at
> > startup since I rebuilt the head about a month ago.
> > I noticed on the drive to work today that the car doesn't seem 
> to smoke much
> > at all when being driven, and even when i got to work, at idle 
> it didn't
> > smoke.  Then at lunch the car took about 10 seconds of cranking 
> to start,
> > then blew white/grey smoke for about a block or two.  The same thing
> > happened at the end of the day.
> > I told him I wanted to do a valve adjustment on it, and the car 
> had a recent
> > head rebuild job, and new injectors.  His first thought was that 
> there could
> > be oil leaking into a cylinder, an injector could be leaking 
> fuel, or that
> > maybe a valve was just too tight.  But he didn't seem to think a 
> valve> adjustment would solve the problem.
> > I'm still going to go for the valve adjustment as soon as I can, 
> but it
> > worries me to think that oil might be leaking past the gasket.  Oil
> > consumption hasn't seemed to be a problem, but the car can 
> sometimes have an
> > acrid smell, even when burning biodiesel.
> > I didn't really understand  the leaky injector idea. But, i'm 
> not sure who
> > 'remanufactured'  the Bosch injectors i got off eBay.  They 
> looked to be in
> > good condition, but I didn't test  them before installing...
> > anyone have any opinions?
> > 
> > chris
> > seattle
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