[Vwdiesel] charging issues

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon May 26 21:26:19 PDT 2008

In a message dated 5/26/2008 8:11:53 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
rgreeley2 at hotmail.com writes:

> when i remove the cable to the battery
> the connection does spark, when the cable is reattached it sparks and the 
> engine slows and the alt squeeks alittle.

  You don't want to disconnect the pos wire from the battery
when an alt is running.  I'm sure you're just disconnecting the 
wire from the alt but just in case, I thought I'd mention it.
  Check your pos wire from the alt to the battery.  I've seen 
charging problems from a corroded B+ wire where it meets the 
battery cable.

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