[Vwdiesel] Muffler or Streight pipe

Arkady Mirvis arkadymirvis at gmail.com
Wed Dec 9 21:20:51 PST 2009

Really interesting discussion! My 1981 Jetta Turbodiesel automatic with AC 
( I bought from a German engineer on temp assignment in USA ) didn't have a 
muffler. I was surprised seeing 60 mm tailpipe at the first look. The pipe 
had same dia all the way to the front. I noticed huge turbo, I've never seen 
before or after. The car was quiet inside, but tunderous ( like some 
Harley-Davidson) behind. Once I passed police trap accelerating and soon was 
stopped by the officer, whos question was: " What kind if beast you do have 
under the hood?"  My Jetta woke up all dogs and neigbors ( many thought that 
I am a racer! ) on the street! It actually kept following cars away. Hard 
flooring blew roaring black smoke and I felt pushed against the back. My 
wife hated the car, but the daughter loved it. What was amazing is that on a 
long drive I was getting over 55 MPG! The car lowed uphills!
I would love to hear if anyone had similar experience.  Ark

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "William J Toensing" <toensing at wildblue.net>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 11:23 PM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Muffler or Streight pipe

> Here is something that might make for an interesting discussion. I used to 
> own an Argosy (Airstream)motorhome that the previous owner had installed 
> an Isuzu 6 cylinder industrial turbodiesel. The engine had no muffler, 
> only a straight pipe. I was told that the turbo reduced the noise level 
> enough to be legal & with no muffler, would get better MPG. I wished I had 
> kept it as at times, it got 17 MPG! This on a 26 foot motorhome on a 1&1/2 
> ton Chevy chassis with a THM 400 Hydromatic plus a Gear Vendors  gear 
> spliter. But my wife didn't like the noise.
> Become of my prior experience with the Argosy, I wonder if replacing the 
> muffler with a straight pipe on VW & Mercedes turbodiesels would 
> significantly improve MPG? Also, does the turbo quiet the engine enough to 
> be legal? I suspect someone out there has experimented with this. I also 
> know that some engines have tuned exhausts & that decreased or increased 
> back pressure could decrease MPG. The Panhard PL-17 was one such car.
> Bill Toensing, Nevada City, CA.
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