[Vwdiesel] Head gasket thickness & compression levels

travis gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 12 07:52:20 PDT 2009

I do understand that the best thing is to have the pistons weigh the same, have them all the same distance out of the block. Have the same valve spring compression strength. Have the injectors spray the same pattern with the same amount and same timing as the others. I do understand that. But unless you go to that extrem of having someone mill your pistons I don't think the notch thing will make that big of a difference. I think it would be more worrisome if you measured wrong and crashed the head. I was explaining on the tdi forume that if you are in doubt if the rebuilt there 1.6 NA then just go thicker head gasket and they all jumped the gun saying that you need it other wise VW could have saved millions not having researched this and producing the gaskets. If it mattered so much then they would have milled the pistons I think. I think the gasket was there to fix the flaws in casing/machining. 

Loren. That would be great if you could find those compression numbers to see. 

Travis G

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