[Vwdiesel] Fw: Re: 1.6 liter diesel pump

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon Jan 25 17:06:58 PST 2010

In a message dated 1/25/2010 4:54:19 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
vwzoo at yahoo.com writes:

> Do you think the claim of more HP with the performance pump and better 
> mileage is realistic and can be done with good long term reliability?  I 
> attached his letter. I am not calling him a liar or anything, but before I buy 
> it I am hoping for some feedback.

  With a diesel, more power = better mileage, if you keep your foot out 
of it and even sometimes even with your foot in it a bunch!  There's 
no issues with reliability from more power either, unless you don't 
know what you're doing and REALLY toast it up.  I wouldn't be 
afraid of one of his pumps.  I'm just too cheap to pay for one!  ;-)

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