[Vwdiesel] More missing parts!
Will Taygan
william at taygan.com
Tue Jul 6 10:01:26 PDT 2010
1.00mm should be right for a turbo (LDA) pump.
On Mon, 2010-07-05 at 23:38 -0400, Robert Downes wrote:
> so , i moved the pump back a tooth, and ended up off by almost as much, in
> the other direction. the pin is now nowhere near going in, so i guess i had
> it 'right' before. still, i left it this way because my injector tubes
> seemed like they'd rather be shifted in this direction.
> HERE<http://imgur.com/UFqA5.jpg> is
> a picture of how much the pump moved. i'm at 1.01mm on the dial now.
> what are the expected symptoms of super retarded timing like i apparently
> had? remembering that the LDA was not connected and the
> internal-pressure-operated timing advance likely not working? i'm excited to
> see if there's a big improvement. a kindly lister is supplying me with a
> mounting bracket and TBC hardware, and i think i'll wait until those get
> here to try starting it.
> thanks for your advice, everyone
> -bob
> On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 11:42 AM, <LBaird119 at aol.com> wrote:
> > In a message dated 7/4/2010 4:21:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> > bobdownes at gmail.com writes:
> >
> > As far as the timing, it's REALLY easy to end up one tooth retarded
> > when r&r-ing the timing belt, which it sounds like you probably did.
> > When you put the lock pin in the pump gear, it has a little slop and
> > due to internal spring pressure, it tends to rest at about 2/3 of a
> > tooth retarded. If you don't rotate it back then you'll put the
> > belt on one tooth retarded.
> >
> > The missing pump mount bracket tends to make the engine surge
> > since the pump will wobble back and forth a bit. I've seen a few
> > do this. If your timing WAS indeed at .61mm this whole time, then
> > you may not notice any surging. It shouldn't be thick enough to need
> > a longer bolt and I doubt whomever did it went to the trouble to find a
> > shorter one when they inexplicably took the mount off.
> >
> > > when the PO, a friend of mine, got the van(, the the IP leaked fuel
> > > from the LDA breather. he needed to use the van, is not super into
> > > research.
> > > he opened the pump looking for a bad gasket, did not find the o-ring
> > > around
> > > the pin separating the pump body from the LDA, determined that there was
> > > too-high pressure in there, found the 'weird' restricted out bolt hole,
> > > opened this hole up a bit(luckily not too much), van still ran, no more
> > > leak, he was happy.
> >
> > Ok, so what's this weird restricted out bolt hole? Do you mean
> > the "out" banjo bolt from the pump to the return lines?
> >
> > from the looks of it, sometime before this, someone (he
> > >
> > > says it wasnt him) tried to adjust the internal pressure by banging the
> > > lift
> > > pump pressure regulator piston allllltheway down. this is the condition
> > > the
> > > pump was in until yesterday, including the aforementioned
> > > trans-caddy-corner-continental-mega-trek i got me hands on a new o-ring,
> > > out
> > > bolt, reset the pressure regulator, and rigged a pretty nice internal
> > > pressure guage attachment so once i get the thing running, i should be
> > > able
> > > to set it right lickety-split. just need to get a handle on my terror at
> > > this dial reading. i'm making way too big a deal out of a measly .4mm,
> > > aren't i?
> > >
> >
> > .4mm is a LOT. If the internal pressure regulator pin is what was
> > tapped down, it screws with the timing and he may have backed
> > it off to compensate for it. So if that's been messed with and the
> > "out" banjo, you need to replace that banjo bolt, to regulate the
> > pressure properly and you need that regulator set properly as
> > well. Both control the timing advance and it's never going to run
> > RIGHT if they're wrong. I just dealt with the regulator pin being in
> > too far on one and "simply" had it taken care of during a rebuild.
> > You're not likely to get it right by guess and by golly. :-( A rebuilder
> > should be willing to set that and replace the banjo bolt reasonably.
> > They might even have that bracket/mount too.
> > Loren
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