[Vwdiesel] Ways of cooling an AAZ

Bryan Belman dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 24 09:33:19 PDT 2010

No, that lets the OIL out and sends it to the oil cooler and back again.  I have 
one but have not installed mine yet.
I do not know how it knows what way to send the oil but it pushes it out and 
then it gets cooled by your oil cooler/air exchanger and back to the source 
adapter plate.

So, you need to connect to this.  The question is, if it worked, why did the 
prev. owner not leave it hooked up.

My guess it is did not work to cool the oil very much?

Do you have an oil temp sender to guage?

My oil in my Vanagon runs at around 230F to 250F when I am on the road at 65mph.

I am hoping to bring this down some.

 Bryan Belman, Pt. Pleasant, NJ
04 Jetta Wagon TDI PD, 100hp, 5sp -- running :<)
92 Jetta 1.6 Eco-Turbo Diesel, 5sp -- running :<)
82 Diesel Westy 1.9NA -- running :<)
70 Type 1 stock Beetle -- Not running :<( 

From: Pablo Moretti <pmoretti at gmail.com>
To: Bryan Belman <dieselwesty at yahoo.com>
Cc: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Sent: Fri, September 24, 2010 12:21:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Ways of cooling an AAZ

Yes, I have one of those petween the filter base and the filter, but it has a U 
rubber tubbing, it is not connected to the cooler circuit. I´ll try to post a 
pic of that,I think I have to make water pass trough that "sandwich".

On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Bryan Belman <dieselwesty at yahoo.com> wrote:

That would not have a stock hook up location for the oil cooler lines.
>you need to add something like this between the oil cooler\warmer and the oil
>filter itself.
>I just got one of these.
>and you have to figure out a way to pipe it to the oil cooler, most use
>transmission line rubber tube and hose clamps to barb connectors
> Bryan Belman, Pt. Pleasant, NJ
>04 Jetta Wagon TDI PD, 100hp, 5sp -- running :<)
>92 Jetta 1.6 Eco-Turbo Diesel, 5sp -- running :<)
>82 Diesel Westy 1.9NA -- running :<)
>70 Type 1 stock Beetle -- Not running :<(
>From: Pablo Moretti <pmoretti at gmail.com>
>To: LBaird119 at aol.com
>Cc: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
>Sent: Fri, September 24, 2010 11:10:22 AM
>Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Ways of cooling an AAZ
>*Thanks Loren, if I take the thin line that takes water to the reservoir,
>coolant is pushed in an intermittent way, should be like that? First of all
>I think is necessary to reconnect the oil cooler. Where do I have to connect
>it? To which tube?
>On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 3:04 AM, <LBaird119 at aol.com> wrote:
>>  As stated, first check for a solid stream of coolant in the small line to
>> the
>> reservoir.  Bubbles, spurts, steam are all bad signs of a blown head
>> gasket.
>>  If no bubbles then you want a good, solid stream of coolant coming back.
>> If not, then you're looking at a circulation or flow rate issue, like
>> clogged
>> passages or a bad water pump, collapsing hose, etc.
>>  Gotta analyze the system and see where the problem/s can be.  First is
>> heat.
>> Excess heat?  Bad injector, plugged intake, exhaust, intercooler not
>> getting
>>  cooling air, leaking head gasket.
>> Transfer of heat?  Low coolant, poor circulation, restrictions, straight
>> water,
>>  thermostat, plugged heater or radiator.
>> Elimination of heat?  Bad cooling fan, thermoswitch, fuse, etc.  Plugged
>> radiator
>> fins.
>>  Check temp in the reservoir with a thermometer, check the radiator hoses
>> and
>> radiator once it's at full temp, check for proper circulation etc.  Follow
>> the heat.
>>    Loren
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