[Vwdiesel] Loose Vent Windows

Dave Cook davevw at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 15 12:31:40 PDT 2011

Drove BR a bit more today.  It seemed to be running pretty well still, starts easy enough once I glow the plugs some (which is a bit of a hassle, as the relay seems to be dead but I can't get it to unplug from the socket, so I am currently holding a wire directly to the battery for a few seconds...) though it is pretty cool out today so that is a good sign.

However, the wind noise from the vent windows is about to drive me crazy!  It appears that the glass was originally glued to the pivots, and that they have come unglued.

I was thinking rear view mirror epoxy for this.  What do ya'll think?  Any better ideas?


Dave Cook

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