[Vwdiesel] EPA things

Travis Gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 11 18:45:47 PST 2012

Agree with all but the going into more debt deal. I am a Dave Ramsey guy and have enough debt myself and have paid down a great deal. Going into debt for certain things is fine (like for WWII) but we have seen no hope of getting out of debt-only further into it. I won't touch any further as that is a political fight I don't care to jump start to much on this forum. 

With the BEW thermostat-there isn't a way to get those out without spilling. I don't think they know how to make one that you can drain them out all the way. No different then doing the water pump. Unless my thermostat goes bad before the next timing belt I will change then. 

Travis G

> Travis, you make some very good points. I fully agree that
 our infrastructure is terribly outdated. If we would spend our tax 
dollars on rebuilding our infrastructure rather than on useless wars 
that DON'T make our country any safer, we would have ended this 
recession/depression we are in. Also, I feel it would be OK to expand 
our national debt, if necessary to rebuild our infrastructure as 
posterity will benefit from a sound infrastructure that we rebuild now. I
 am from Minn. & have driven several times over that I-35W bridge 
that fell down. We should have a "Manhattan Project" to develop an 
economical way to generate power from nuclear FUSION & an economical
 way to build cars that run on fuel cells powered by hydrogen & save
 what fossil fuels we still have for posterity.
> Bill Toensing, Nevada City, CA

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