[Vwdiesel] pump id

Brian Decker decker at toledotel.com
Tue Apr 28 17:48:07 PDT 2015

Hi Ray: 
	I just found my VW - Audi engine code book that lists all water-cooled engines for VW and Audi through 1985. A CR is an 03 - 81 t0 07 - 82 N/A diesel that would of course be a solid lifter head. I could be from a Rabbit, Pickup,  Dasher, Jetta or and Audi 4000.
Brian Decker

-----Original Message-----
From: Vwdiesel [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com] On Behalf Of raymond
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 9:08 PM
To: Vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: [Vwdiesel] pump id

hi all, while reviewing an engine i had picked up though never investigated. it occurred to me that i am not sure of the ip that i am looking at. while it is a 1.6 na engine, it has a pump with a rectangular (space ship) diaphragm thing on top. the type that i have seen used on turbo engines. is there a site i can reference the model number. also, i would like to id the engine type. like i said it is a 1.6 though a perspective buyer was curious at to whether it was a hydraulic head. the number on the block is cr833966. wiki says it is an early 80's engine which came out of a caddy though this was a world wide use and listed years not present for the us market. 
fyi i am looking to buy a k14 turbo for my back up engine. wiki also suggested this motor used a garret turbo though did not list a part number. so i am wondering if the list finds one of these turbos to perform better on the 1.6. i do have yet a second td motor with a slightly bigger turbo. while this motor may be a good back up, it has not run in several years it will start though runs at high rpm and so i shut it down quickly. i am running a cleansing mix of fuel in hopes that it willcure this condition. 
just sorting out some parts and cleaning the shop a bit. i am in chicago if anyone might be interested in a running na motor. 
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