[Vwdiesel] Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 152, Issue 4

madmedix madmedix at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 8 09:02:24 PDT 2016

LOL. Second on that vote. Probably get re-acquainted with some naughty words you haven't used in a while when you dig into rebuilding the drum brakes too. FWIW the last time I had a frozen cable @ the rears I also discovered the rear plate where the cable entered the drum assembly was *very* small and was essentially "soldered" with rust in place. 

    On Wednesday, September 7, 2016 3:04 PM, "vwdiesel-request at vwfans.com" <vwdiesel-request at vwfans.com> wrote:

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Today's Topics:

  1. Re: Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 152, Issue 2 (Vincent McBeigh)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2016 22:41:05 -0400
From: Vincent McBeigh <vrmcbeigh at gmail.com>
To: Doug Ferguson <hwy9fergs at comcast.net>
Cc: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 152, Issue 2
Message-ID: <13D1DB1F-F11A-4919-AE90-D7DC252912A0 at gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;    charset=us-ascii

I vote for the BFH to break the frozen drums free. 


Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 3, 2016, at 4:09 PM, Doug Ferguson <hwy9fergs at comcast.net> wrote:
> I would suspect and investigate the E brake cables as being rusted up and frozen. When you look at the cables up at the front where the lever is, does it look like the inner cable is moving relative to the housing? 
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: vwdiesel-request at vwfans.com 
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com 
> Sent: Saturday, September 3, 2016 12:00:01 PM 
> Subject: Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 152, Issue 2 
> Send Vwdiesel mailing list submissions to 
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> Today's Topics: 
> 1. Frozen rear brakes (Doug Boes) 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> Message: 1 
> Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2016 12:58:46 -0500 
> From: Doug Boes <db53248 at windstream.net> 
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com 
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] Frozen rear brakes 
> Message-ID: <D32F4130-17F2-43F1-B9E8-D753DC5C7B0D at windstream.net> 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii 
> My truck has been sitting for an extended time and the rear brakes have become secured to the drums so well that I can't break them loose by rocking the truck or trying to break it loose by slowly letting out the clutch and revving the engine. 
> What is a sure way to break the rear wheels free w/o breaking or damaging anything? 
> Sent from my iPad 
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> End of Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 152, Issue 2 
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End of Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 152, Issue 4


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