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4000 doodads and manuals

The patient:  a 1986 4000 CSQ.
The problem:  a broken doohickey thingy

The part in question a 1cm diameter meter tube that starts at an attachment
point just behind of the exhaust manifold (before the cat) and snakes its
way back on the right side of the engine.  It stops onhe upper right side
of the engine near that mess of woven wires (what are they BTW?).  The pipe
itself ends in gray rubber cap.  I believe that it is part of the emissions
system (it looks useless, so it must be :-) ).  It isn't connected to anything
besides the exhaust pipe.  It's a one way trip to now  Question:  what
is it?  Mine is broken at the attachment point the manifold.  Made the
poor car sound like a I removed the part, but would like to know
its real name and if possible, a part number.  I'd look in the manual, but...

Part 2:  I need a decent manual.  Chilton doesn't seem to make one, which
is really of no great concern.  Haynes does, but I'm having trouble locating
one.  The store I went to had a 5000 manual, but it botheres me because it
doesn't seem to mention the 5000 CSQ or the Turbo.  Does the Haynes manual
on the 4000 also ignore to Quattro?  Is there a better manual?  If so,
how do I get one (where, how much)?

Case Western Reserve University,  Cleveland, Ohio            DoD #650
Anyone know where a BSME can get a job?  Available 1/93.  This is for real!