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Re: Engine OK readout !!!

>   Precedence: first-class
>   From: Thomas_Jobs@novell.com
>   Date: Mon, 22 Mar 93 08:40:00 MST
>   Content-Length: 761
>   I test-drove an '89 100 Quattro yesterday and found two things I have to 
>   ask advise about:
>   1)  When you start the car there is a little readout that tells you that 
>   everything is OK.  Well, the first time I started up the car I saw four 
>   horizontal lines going accross the display, another time little patterns 
>   (patches of light) that were lit up; is this normal or what is wrong with 
>   it?  (The third time I started the car I got the usual OK signal and I 
>   could later see my radio station readout).  Is there a cheap and easy way 
>   to fix this or should I stay away from the car?
> I've never seen the diagnostics display behave like that.  I think
> that needs to be fixed.  The sequence should be "blank - OK - blank -
> radio display."

I have an '89 100Q that I bought used. The status display occasionally
does this to me, also. The dealer says that he knows exactly what it
is - the display computer needs to be replaced. This is about $1000,
but he says Audi will pay most of it since my car is just barely over
50 K miles. Since it only does it once in a while, I've opted to ignore
it and save the $150 or so I'd have to pay.

There seem to be no adverse effects, and the display usually clears
up after a while.


Andrew L. Duane (JOT-7)			duane@zk3.dec.com
Digital Equipment Corporation		(603)-881-1294
110 Spit Brook Road
M/S ZKO3-3/V08
Nashua, NH    03062-2698