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Fuel Injector Cleaners

Has anyone done this on an Audi ?

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>From uunet!balltown.cma.com!bmw-request Thu Sep 16 07:16:12 1993
Reply-To: uunet!balltown.cma.com!bmw
Sender: uunet!balltown.cma.com!bmw-request
To: bmw@balltown.cma.com
Subject: Re: Fuel Injector Cleaners
Content-Length: 1283
X-Lines: 26

> Richard writes...
> [...stuff deleted...]
> the really good one is BG 44K, for extreme cases.  expensive, but for
> engines that are real problems, worth it.
Not only is this true, but we typically do what we call the "44K bong hit"
at the shop. OK guys, don't get excited; this is what that means.

You get the car to operating temperature. With the car idling, find a vacuum
line going into the carb/intake area. Open the can of 44k, pull the vacuum
line at the carb/intake and stick it in the can of 44k. This will suck all of
the 44k into the engine through the carb/intake area. As this happens the car
will sputter some. You can git it a little more throttle (maybe 2 grand) until
you've sucked in all the 44k. At this point, shut the car off. Wait about 45
minutes. The 44k will dissolve the carbon deposits on the valves, etc and most
importantly on the rings. After that, fire the car up and run it hard. Try to
find a street with little traffic because your car will do the James Bond
smoke screen for a good mile as all of that stuff burns out.
	It is a safe measure to then change the oil, to guarantee that no
significant contaminents are left in the system from this process.
	I've done this to everything from my turbo car to my BMW. Works great.


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