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Quattro Bushings (previously: URGENT--..)

My apologies for not picking up on this sooner.  Earlier in the summer, 
I posted some thoughts regarding trapezoidal arm (aka control arm)
bushings for 5000 quattros, specifically my '88 5000 tq.  Some, such as
for the support mount on mine, cost $250 from the dealer.  You also get
a new support mount with your new bushings, even though you don't need
a new support mount.  The part number is 443-511-247-c.

If you want to buy the bushing alone, without the support mount, you
must call a CANADIAN dealer, and spend alot of time convincing him
(her?) that he/she really can get the part.  The supply of these is
allegedly dwindling, as Audi apparently figured out that some of us
were circumventing the $250 US replacement cost (or redesigned the 
part, depending on which theory you like).  The trick is that the 
part number changed to 443-511-247-d.  This is for a replacement 
bushing alone for the support mount on the trapezoidal arm on '88
and possibly earlier 5000 quattros.  Look in your Bentley manual,
it really is called a trapezoidal arm.

I dealt with a guy named Andy at St. Catherines Audi in St. Catherines
Canada, which is not far from Buffalo NY.  There is also a dealer
north of Toronto, named Pfaff, which was very helpful when I called,
and actually knew what I wanted without too much explanation.
I'll post the numbers if anyone likes, don't have them here in the 

To those who remember this topic from before, and remember my intent
to collect orders, I struck out with the suppliers I spoke with, so
it never happened.  Sorry for any inconvenience.  However, please
note that part 243-511-247-d costs a whopping $19.00 CDN.  You need
a total of 4 per car, and there is another less expensive bushing
that should be replaced at the same time, though I don't recall it's
name since my mechanic took care of buying that one.

Email me if you need any further explanation.  

Matt Bartholomew
'88 5000 tq