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Re: Synthetics II
> Date: Thu, 6 Oct 94 14:45:44 EDT
> From: barry@olympus.ctron.com (Barry P. Lewis)
> Reply-To: quattro@swiss.ans.net
> X-Charset: LATIN1
> X-Char-Esc: 29
> While we're on the subject of trany lube, when I had a VW I was told never
> to use lube with a GL5 spec. in the gearbox, only GL4. Something about
> damaging the syncros. GL5 was ok for the dif gears in an automatic.
> Is the same true for Audi's? In the Bentley manual, it says GL5 for the center
> and rear difs. It says GL4 for the transaxle, with no explaination why.