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re: Re: There are cut cables in m...

My 86 5000CS Turbo also has several short wires attached at the ECM that 
are "cut cleanly". I would not recommend connecting "ANY" wires to ground 
without understanding the internal workings of the ECM. It is not unusual 
to find many loose cables or connectors under the hood or under the dash. 
Some of these connectors are for test purposes, others are for accessories 
not installed on that particular model. I have seen more than a few wiring 
harnesses cooked by customers thinking they were "fixing" the car by 
connecting those loose cables.

OREO447766@aol.COM Wrote:
| I'll preface this by saying I don't own a 5000 series or have 
| the manual in
| front of me, but I don't see any harm in completing the 
| ground on those two
| cut wires to your ECU. It seems the next step past that is to 
| invite a friend
| over and start swapping components(ECU, dist, etc.)
| Your Hall sender checked out OK right? It should send a 
| signal yes/no between
| 0 and 4.5v, if I remember correctly.
| I haven't followed this thread closely so I missed the 
| original post about
| your no-start. Do you have spark at the plugs or the dist? Is 
| the fuel pump
| humming away?
| Just thinking aloud.....
| -Chris Semple