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Re: Stalking

in the book "a speeder's guide to avoiding tickets", the cop author says
that one unwritten rule is that anyone caught with a radar detector
(exception to follow below) will never be let off.  he recommends the
concealed variety of R.D. 

anyone here ever been caught with a R.D. and been let off?

one of my former neighbors was a cop and he, like many of us likes to
speed (or shall we say, think the speed limits are nothing more than
a cynical method of taxation).  one night while coming home he tried to
outrun a cop that was trying to pull him over for speeding. 

the cop followed him all the way to his house and he was still
trying to play hide and seek.  finally, he came out, showed
his badge and talked his way out of any kind of trouble.

which brings us to the second unwritten rule.. cops don't
write tickets for other cops.  yup, life sucks, i know.

if you want to talk your way out of a ticket, first thing
to do is to put him/her out of the fear that you are going
to pull a gun;  next thing to do is to massage that big ego..
that's the formula, according to the book.
