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Re: *Flame bait
On Tue, 21 Mar 1995, Daniel Hussey wrote:
> I used to own a '90 Honda Accord EX. I needed a car that was econ
> omical at the time.
> But, I soon realized that I was paying a far greater price
> by not owning a car I could truly enjoy.
i've always forwarded the argument that i'd rather have a car that needed
warranty work early in its life and be a pleasure to drive than to have
perfectly assembled and functioning mediocrity.
> Everyone used to rant and rave about
> how great Hondas are, but I didn't see what the big deal was.
> but the truth is it's and OK car--got me from point A to point B, but no
>personality. It did everything OK, but nothing great. It was so blahh.
why do you think i like to attack Crap & Drivel (tm) so much? they are
"IMFO" (tm, Glen) one of the biggest reasons for the current sad state of
affairs in the american market. to make an refridgerator grade appliance
look like a piccaso (sp?) takes a lot of nerve. rather than try to
educate their loyal following (which in turn would lead to demand for
better engineered cars) they instead sink into the depths of greed and
just cash in on saying what generates the most bucks.
> I'm venting aren't I. Sorry.
me too.. :)
old timers will know that i have an extreme position about this and most
of you are more moderate. i know you are out there, so we don't need
to have another flamefest over Crap and Drivel (tm).
- References:
- *Flame bait