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A newly created monster.

Hi Y'all,

Saturday I drove up to Columbus (4+ hours) and spent the afternoon with
Steve Verona and his OOOOwww-D on the track.  Great fun!

Steve is right.  His little 4KQ goes like fury.  :-)  He has it pretty well
set up for auto-cross.  

Met his Mom and Dad.  Andrea was driving her husband's u-r-a-buS SVX.  As
her times gradually improved through the day her grin just kept getting
bigger and bigger.  She was having a blast!  Steve, you have created a
monster!  If she were to stop right now, it'd take at least a month for that
grin to fade. 

That was my first experience with the sport.  I can see right away that if I
were to take it up I'd have to spend great big piles of money just to get
even moderately competitive.  :-(  But...  It was sure fun.  I don't know if
I'd rate it as the most fun you'll ever have with your clothes on, but I
have the feeling that Andrea would.  In fact, I'm not sure if she wouldn't
include off also.  :-)

   *  Robert L. Myers  <rmyers@olie.wvitcoe.wvnet.edu>      *
   *  Chair, Department of Chemistry, WVIT                  *
   *  Home:(304) 574-2372        Office: (304) 442-3358     *
   *  Obligatory references for Quattro and Sleddog Lists:  *
   *       My Huskies like to ride in my '89 200TQ.         *