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Re: 90q A/C - cold enough ?

On Mon, 17 Jul 1995, Nick Deutsch wrote:

 > On Sat, 15 Jul 1995, Solomon Ngan wrote:
> > My 90q A/C works but hardly cold enough.
> > 
> > Is this normal for audi 90 ?  Or does it need an A/C recharge ?
> > Perhaps it is related to the loud "clong"  sound associated with 
> > compressor or expansion valve cycling.
> > 
> > 
> My car is identical with yours (90 90 20 V.) and I am also wondering 
> about the air-conditioner. My previous Jetta worked much better.
> Nick Deutsch

Hmmm.. I hav ea '91 90 20V, and it puts out a constant 40 degrees at the 
duct. It gets REAL COLD in there real fast! Even in the 110 degree 
weather we have been seeing all week. If it isnt cold, try a recharge, 
should make a big difference.


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