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Re: I've got a 4-door Audi Coupe GT

At 9:21 AM 8/10/95, Don Hoefer wrote:
>John says,
>>according to the Bentley, and the VW
>FAQ, my car is a Audi Coupe GT according to the VIN.  My 7-8 digits are 85,
>which from both sources says its a GT, not a 4000<
>Look in other places for VIN numbers or partial VIN numbers.  Often there
>is a sticker on the firewall or an option plate riveted to the chassis
>in the front under the hood.  If the numbers don't match then there is
>something fishy there.

That was the first place I looked, was under the hood.  When I saw the
three Zs in a row, I looked at the A-pillar for the real VIN#, and they
matched up pretty damn close, except for the ZZZ, which are the option

When I bought the car last year, I got a call from the Wash. St. Patrol to
take my car down to them.  They checked it over to make sure it wasn't
stolen, and he ran it.  So, it _should_ be stock, not chopped.  Thank
goodness he didn't see the horrible tires that were on the car at the time,
basically slicks.  Again, it's a quattro, and can go anywhere, even on just
the wheels.

I did some more checking in the Bentley last night, and on Page 5 they talk
about the '81' and '85' styles that they are 4000 and Coupe GTs
respectively.  Well, on pages 2-3, they list type and model and
identifications.  They list the 4000 and 4000s as type 81.  The Coupe GT,
4000sq and Quattro Turbo as type 85.  Other little oddities is that the
4000,4000s are listed as either 2 or 4 door sedans, same with the 4000s
quattro.  Makes decent sense.  They then list the GT as a 2-door, I can go
along with that, but the Quattro Turbo is a 2-door sedan.  So you folks
with Quattro Turbos are driving sedans, kinda takes the luster off of it
doesn't it.

I always thought that 2 door would mean coupe, and 4 door would be sedan,
but I guess the Germans class things differently.

>Don Hoefer
>'82 Coupe

John Eickerman -- jke@wolfe.net       MacZone -- 1-800-248-0800 x3997
Listowner for the Firearms Discussion List, FIREARMS@UTARLVM1.UTA.EDU