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Re: 4KS/GT -- Oil pressure sender
On Wed, 16 Aug 1995, G. Erickson wrote:
> Since I haven't been able to come by a Bently that I can afford (yet),
> would somebody be willing to outline the ground points for the oil
> pressure sender and guage in a 1985 Coupe GT?
> I'm beginning to think that it's not a problem of my oil temp not rising
> above 65 degrees cent. but a problem with the ground on the sender or
> guage, so that my guage is reading way low.
> Does this sound right? or has everything I learned about electrical
> theory suddenly left my head? ;)
I don't know about your grounding problem, but until I changed the
cylinder head gasket on my 4000 that guage never moved, now it approaches
130 on out of town driving, so I can't say if I inadvertantly connected
the sender unit during the repair, having failed to realise that there
was anything wrong before.