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Re: wheels for 94 90QCS

On Sun, 10 Sep 1995, chris n' liz wrote:

> I was in the market for after market wheels for the 94' 90 cs quattro sport,
> but i have met great resistance from all routes.  Seems that the
> pattern is a 4 X 108 mm with an offset i do not know.  Volvo supposedly
> once used similar, but i wamt 17 inch wheels that are good looking,

Note that Ford has used that 4x108 bolt pattern for many years on very 
many of their cars.  You should have no trouble finding a wheel with that 
pattern and your offset.  You do need to check up on the offset though to 
be sure that your choice will work.

Graydon D. Stuckey								
'86 Audi 5000 CS Turbo Quattro, GDS Racing Stage II
'83 Mazda RX7 w/13B, GDS Racing Stage 58474