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Re: PAP vs. Halsey

  I have found that prices can be negotiable with PAP.
  It depends a lot on who you deal with there and how
  good a customer you are. Unfortunately, the salesman
  I did most of my dealing with left PAP about a year ago.
  Since that time I always ask for one particular salesman
  so I can get to know him and work on better pricing, etc.

  While Halsey does have some excellent prices, I've
  found that parts ordered sometimes never arrive.
  I will still deal with Halsey, especially for the tri-electrode
  Bosch plugs, but establishing a long-term relationship
  with a salesman at PAP does pay off in better service
  and prices. Example: My brother-in-law ordered some
  exhaust parts that didn't fit. He had a major problem in
  returning the parts and with credit of shipping charges.
  He did eventually resolve these problems. When I
  need to return something to PAP, my salesman
  credits the shipping and the cost of the part, and
  even arranges for UPS to pickup the part at my shop
  and return it at PAP's cost.
