Well everyone, if it hadn't of happened to me, I never would've
believed this:
A couple of years ago, my wife (then girlfriend) and I drove down
to Nags Head, NC to meet a couple of friends for a long weekend
at the beach. We were booked into a hotel on the beach, which
happened to have a nightclub in front of it. It was off season,
still warm, but not crowded.
After returning to our hotel after a Saturday evening involving
the usual resort type of activities, exhausted, We went right to
The next morning, my girlfriend woke up relatively early and went
down to my car so she could grab a book to read on the beach (she
let me sleep! one of the many reasons for marrying her....). She
returns to the room and wakes me up and says "I didn't see
anything wrong with the car, but this note was under the wiper."
Needless to say, I just through on some pants and raced out to
the parking lot. I couldn't see anything wrong with the car, so
I read the note, which said:
"I saw what happened to your car. Please call, I'm in room
xxx in the hotel across the street."
I again look around the car and seeing nothing, I give the guy a
call and he comes right down to the parking lot. He proceeds to
show me a number of dents in the roof of my car! So I ask the
guy if it hailed last night. Nope. Did somebody throw rocks
onto my car? Nope. So what the hell happened? He tells:
"I was on my 5th floor balcony last night with a couple of
friends around 3 am and we hear all this commotion coming out
of the bar attached to your hotel across the street. We
didn't think much of the two guys and one girl coming out of
the bar making all that noise, but the girl was hot so we
watched them anyway. What happened next really grabbed our
attention. They walked through the parking lot and one guy
takes a few steps ahead turns to the other two and yells:
1st guy: "Is that a BMW?"
2nd guy: "YEAH"
Girl: giggle
So the 1st guy runs ahead and jumps on the hood of a car and
yells again: "Is this a BMW?" "YEAH", they respond. So he
yells: "I F**KING HATE BMWS!!" and jumps on the top of the
car yelling "I F**KING HATE BMWS" over and over, the whole
time jumping up and down on the roof of the car. I turn to
my buddies and say "Umm, guys, uh, since when does BMW put
four rings on their grille like AUDI?" "Never? I thought
so." I run down to the parking lot to get an ID on these
people, but only got there to see them drive off in a
He then walked up to my car, saw the damage and left the note. I
bought him breakfast, because, I had a little bit of difficulty
getting the police and the insurance company to believe me. His
report and the "foot" size dents all over my roof removed any
doubt. So, everyone, take heed, if you go to Nags Head, leave
the Audi at home and take the Honda....
One of the women who was in our party is an engineer at NASA and
on the "anniversary" of this event has her computer call me and
say in a deep electronic voice: "Cello (my nickname), your car
looks like a BMW, it makes me feel like dancing!"
Such friends I have.
'85 Coupe "NOTABMW"