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5KCSTQ - idle and power problems, IA Mod, Summit Point, Jefferson Circuit
I apologize for taking so long to thank those of you that sent help
for the idle problem on our "new" 5KCSTQ... turns out it was the idle
stablizer - they took it out, cleaned it, and reinstalled. it is now
running fine. They did suggest that if it happens again, I may need
to replace it.
So now that it works, and it has new tires (Yoko A008R), we needed to
make it go faster. So Ned Ritchie sent us a new computer and spring.
Now it goes faster - 1.7bar faster (before it would get 1.3 bar). The
only hard part was the bottom two nuts on the wastegate spring, but 30
minutes of work, and it was all done. So now I am out looking for
Mustang GTs, or maybe an unsuspecting 20v. Where in CT do you live,
Bob? I will try it at Summit Point this weekend. Which brings me to
my third point:
Summit Point - Sunday and Monday (17 and 18 September). I remember
that some of you were going to come out and spectate on Sunday. If
so, plan on staying for dinner. We are going to be at the Anvil
Restaurant, 1270 Washington St, Harpers Ferry, WV at 7:30p on Sunday.
cost should be around $15/person. We will give them an exact count by
11am on Sunday, so you need to decide by then. Of course, I would
urge you to come out and drive instead. I had a ride around the new
track (the Jefferson Circuit) a couple of weeks ago. It is a 1.1
mile, brand new course, designed especially for driving schools. It
is designed to be run in both directions (race and counter race) (no,
not at the same time), has an off camber turn, and a set of esses that
require sacrificing one turn (similar to turn 5 on the regular course.
There is also a great view, if you have the time to look at it. Bill
Scott designed it to be as difficult as possible - he took turns from
various courses that he had raced on, and found difficult, and tried
to incorporate them into this course. They have also built a road
that connects the skid pad to the new course, and is designed to be
flooded with 1/4" of water... perfect to test quattros and abs ...
The cost is $225 or $250 - I can't remember which.
If you have any questions, send me email: jensen@clark.net
ps: fun audi story was accelerating onto 95 this morning, and hitting
90mph before I ever thought I would. I will have to keep a close eye
on the radar detector, err speedometer.