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Re: Cam advancing - Turbo Updates

Great, thanks Scott and Eric!  Seems like I managed
to get the info I heeded without stepping on anyones
toes.  Scott, definitely add me to the list.

EH == Extrusion Honed, eh!  I heard that Ned was selling some
extrusion honed exaust manifolds.  I am thinking I will do
a new exhasut manifold when I do the turbo.  Maybe get in
there and do new studs, metal head gasket, turbo diesel
bolts, new studs, too.  I am hoping to build in reliability
with the power.  Oh, yeah, definitely stage 11 IA, and maybe
a two row radiator and a bigger intercooler, a second oil cooler,
and of course, a bumped cam timing belt.  Comments?  That looks 
like about $3.5K from where I am sitting.  But I don't know about
some of the prices, especially the turbo or the intercooler.  I
know I am NOT sending 1.6K to Walter for an ABT part.  Anybody got
a Spearco address and phone?  Also Scott, if you can tell me just how
much the SS 3" down pipe is it may make it into the plan. Ramble...

Paul T-
