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AUDI: any help for _my_ Audi?

Esteemed sages of the list:

I have an '89 80.  Yup, an 80.  2 liter 4 cylinder.  Not a Q :-(  But still
an Audi :-)

6 years old, 63,000m, and other than a pair of failed german batteries and
a few light bulbs, very few problems.  But, things could always be better.
Perhaps someone can help me?  Or at least offer advice (yeah, sure, this is
a _list_, no?).

The front brakes howl at the end of a complete stop.  Not a normal brake
squeal, and quite annoying/embarassing.  Original pads have lots of life on
them, rotors are slightly worn, but very slightly, and without ridges or
score marks.  Went away for a few days when I sprayed the disks down with
brake cleaner, but now is back.  They stop fine.  There is a slight ridge
on the outside rim of the disks where the pads have cut the disk away.

Once in a while, sometimes once in 2 months, sometimes twice in a day, the
car loses what little power it has.  Feels like the spark advance just went
to about 0 degrees ...  Still runs, but will barely pull away from a stop.
Turning the ignition to off, and then back on, fixes the problem.  This can
be done while rolling.  Seems to happen most within 15 minutes of a cold
start.  No pattern has been found with brand of gasoline, weather,
humidity, phase of the moon, etc.  The computer was replaced once under
warranty - no change.

I broke the slide switch for the cruise control (waaahhhh!).  The dealer
tells me I need all four stalks, and the piece on the column in between
them.  $270.  Anyone have any alternatives?  Or know of a used one?

Finally, any way to eek a few more ponies out of this motor?  When I bought
it, I lived near sea level.  Now, I live at 7300' and often venture above
9000'.  Not much air up here.  I'm not interested in major engine
modifications like turbos or boring out the block, but would consider
chips, changing the advance curve, etc.  Any hope?

Or should I just go out and buy a new S6 :-)

Help me fix these problems, and I'll buy the beer!

        - Bryan

Bryan Lally