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Re: TQC Stats & trivia (long)

Perci & others,

I had been told that the "mdc" part referred to the model number
as used in the part numbering scheme
 (ie,  mdc      YYY         ZZZ    Q
        ^        ^           ^     ^
   model type   Main Group   Part  Variation)

I looked closely at your message, but didn't see anything for "md".
Furthermore, I thought the "c" was for the number of doors, if
applicable, and a "check digit" otherwise.

> Reply-To: sk0ph@cadvision.com (Perci Hala & Sandra Krystalowich)
> mmmbermdcypssssss
> c=Check Digit

For example,
811 = 4000 2 door
813 = 4000 4 door
85_ = Quattro, Coupe, & Coupe Quattro (~ UR-Quatro)
43_ = 5000 (til '83)
44_ = 5000 (after '84)
89_ = 80/90
17_ = VW truck

I interprete my VIN,
    WAUBB0850DA116699 as
    ^^^   ^^^
An Audi   Coupe, built in Ingolstadt (A) in 83 (D).

I am not sure how to interprete the "BB0". Your message would indicate that
it is a 100Custom, engine ?, with Active Restraints.

Thanks for your VIN number breakdown.It taught me a few things I didn't know.
This should get posted to

'83 Coupe with parts from every year.
'81 VW Truck, tossed the Diesel, put in a '86 GL